Callan Rose Early Learning Center © 2010 All Rights Reserved
Caterpillars (6 weeks - 12 months)
The infant program at Callan Rose is specifically designed to encourage the growth and development of the babies in a loving and nurturing environment. The infants enjoy a wealth of Core Knowledge activities including Sign Language, music and movement, language development and art enrichment. A large play area is set up in each infant room to allow for physical development. An infant report about your child is provided daily.
Butterflies (1 - 2 years)
The younger toddler room is specifically designed to promote social and physical development. At this age, the children are very curious and like to experiment with all of their senses. The room is set up to encourage exploration and to enhance developmental growth. The younger toddler class participates in Core Knowledge, Sign Language, Spanish, music and movement, language and literature, beginning math, art enrichment, sensory exploration, dramatic and creative play, and science. The toddler classes have
their own outdoor playground and enjoy outdoor activities twice per day, weather permitting. Children in the younger toddler program should walk independently, eat table food, and be able to drink from a cup. Each younger toddler is provided with a mat to use during naptime. A toddler report about your child is provided daily.
Ladybugs (2 - 2½ years)
The older toddler room is specifically designed to promote social and physical development. All materials and equipment are designed to promote the social and physical development of the older toddler. The older toddler class participates in Core Knowledge, Sign Language, Spanish, music and movement, language and literature, beginning math, art enrichment, sensory exploration, dramatic and creative play, and science. The toddler classes
have their own outdoor playground and enjoy outdoor activities twice per day, weather permitting. Toddlers are introduced to potty training in this program; toilets and hand washing sinks are available for their use.
A toddler report about your child is provided for you daily.
Bumblebees and Fireflies (2½ - 4 years)
The preschool room is specifically designed to encourage the social and physical growth of the preschooler. All younger preschoolers are encouraged to participate in Core Knowledge, Sign Language, Spanish, music and movement, language and literature, beginning math, art enrichment, sensory exploration, dramatic and creative play, and science. The preschool classes have their own outdoor playground and enjoy outdoor
activities twice per day, weather permitting. The playgrounds are equipped with safe, fun, and developmentally appropriate equipment. Children must be toilet trained in order to attend the preschool program. A preschool report about your child is provided for you daily.
Dragonflies (4 - 5 years)
Our Pre-Kindergarten program not only builds upon our preschool curriculum, but also introduces new programs that promote the creative, social and physical development of the children in this program. Our teachers encourage the asking and answering of questions, learning and sharing. All Pre-Kindergartners are encouraged to participate in all Core Knowledge programs including Sign Language, Spanish, music and movement, language/literature, art
enrichment, sensory exploration, dramatic/creative play, and science. The preschool classes have their own outdoor playgrounds and enjoy outdoor activities twice a day, weather permitting. The playgrounds are equipped with safe, fun, and developmentally appropriate equipment. All children in this program are preparing for their future endeavors in Kindergarten.
While all programs at Callan Rose Early Learning Center are defined by ages, transitions to classrooms are based on the individual child’s developmental readiness. Tuition rates do not change based upon the age of the child, but on the program in which your child is enrolled.
September 2nd
Closed for Labor Day
September 20th
Parents Night Out
September 24th
Storyteller Beth Epley
School Information
9034 E. Mineral Ave
Centennial, CO 80112
Phone: (303) 706-1570
School Hours:
Monday - Friday
6:30AM to 6:30PM